Sunday, December 29, 2019

The Definition of Love - 1379 Words

As dictionaries have been adding new words and revising definitions yearly, we have seen a transition in the definition of love. Today, a commonly accepted definition of love is â€Å"an amorous episode† (Webster). This concept of love began with its portrayal in Hollywood media, causing the history and true meaning of the word to become lost. While love used to be defined as the â€Å"strong affection for another arising out of kinship or personal ties,† or â€Å"affection based on admiration, benevolence, or common interests† (Webster), the most recent definition is most similar to what it seems Hollywood is portraying as infatuation. This can be defined as â€Å"an extravagantly foolish or unreasoning passion† (Oxford). What movies often portray as â€Å"love†Ã¢â‚¬ ¦show more content†¦Following down that path to infatuation destroyed the path that could lead to true love. I had been obsessed with someone so momentarily in my life, not someon e who valued who I was and everything I believed in. There have been many assumptions and a typical attitude toward the male gender for leading infatuation. It seems Silvia Plath believed this and beautifully stated in her Unabridged Journals that: Yes, I was infatuated with you: I am still. No one has ever heightened such a keen capacity of physical sensation in me. I cut you out because I couldnt stand being a passing fancy. Before I give my body, I must give my thoughts, my mind, my dreams. And you werent having any of those (Plath). This summarizes the concept that women want a real, lasting relationship while men only want the infatuation and romance to fulfill their lustful desires. We want to reveal all of our thoughts and causes that motivate us in our life, yet it is believed that men do not want that, instead only our body. They view us as a body, almost shell-like, that they leave for their imagination to fill out rather than asking and finding out for themselves. However, you cannot force a man to love a woman, but you can cause them to become infatuated with you depending on the way you talk, act, and particularly, dress (Devon). In today’s modern media, this can be easily seen in many songs and films that men want girls’ bodies and pay attention to only the outerShow MoreRelatedDefinition Essay on Love1035 Words   |  5 PagesLove by definition is an emotion explored in philosophy, religion, and literature, often as either romantic love, the fraternal love of others, or the love of God based on the definition found in The Encarta Encyclopedia. As I explored the definition by means of the Internet, books, and articles I noticed the definitions changed quite a bit, but yet had the same basic understanding. The definition I found in The Encarta Encyclopedia was probably the most simple and most basic. It refers to loveRead MoreThe Definition Of Love Summary1471 Words   |  6 PagesScholars often connect Marvell’s â€Å"The Definition of Love† is always connected to John Donne’s metaphysical lyrics by the scholars due to the luxurious imagery and the neo-platonic implications of love between souls or minds that is trenchant from the physical body. The poem composes an inspection of love by representing two perfect yet incongruous loves – the love of the speaker, and the love of his lover and their love is so perfect but at the same time they face distractions to meet each otherRead MoreDefinition Essay On Love1807 Words   |  8 Pag esEvangelina medina Professor Ehring English 101 October 6,2017 Definition of love Everyone has their own definition about what love means to them. Love is all around us.Too often, love is conceived as doing whatever it takes to get what you want. However, love involves much more than personal satisfaction. The action of giving yourself totally to one person without expecting anything in return, willing to put aside your own needs inRead MoreDefinition Of The Word Love873 Words   |  4 Pagesthe concept of the word love, would be described differently when you are talking about the love of a relative vs. the love of a spouse/boyfriend. Love is never ending and always true, even when you don’t want to love them, like when it has to do with a family member. On the other hand, when you are talking about someone you are dating or married to, then to me that kind of love is not the same. People that are not family, are in our lives for a certain time, and then that love changes or no longerRead MoreWhat Is Love? Definition Essay1113 Words   |  5 PagesFor so me people love is a complete devotion and endless adoration, for others is a temporary feeling that will disappear in time. For some people it is a fairy-tale and for others it is a dream come true. Some people say love is once-in-a lifetime thing and others believe that after one love comes another. The more you try to find a universal definition of love – the more you get confused with all these words you get from different people around you. The more you think you get closer to the trueRead More Definition Essay - The Meaning of Love824 Words   |  4 PagesThe Meaning of Love One can love a sister, a brother, a mother, a father, grandparents, uncles and aunts, cousins and friends, strangers, pets, the sunlight on a warm evening, reflecting through a prism, held by fishing line stuck to a little suction cup to a dusty window. You can love food from cake to roast beef, even those tiny individual candy bars that are never enough but just give you a taste of chocolate before you pop in the second one. One is able to love the feeling of carpet betweenRead More Definition Essay - Can Love be Defined?1019 Words   |  5 PagesCan Love be Defined? The other day I was babysitting my three-year-old niece, a most conniving little angel. As she sat gawking at my girlfriends brother, Matthew, who was eating potato chips, she told me that she loved me so much. She had already devoured her potato chips, but she obviously wanted more. Many more expressions of love proceeded to drip from her lips. Finally, the question came; Reg, can I have some more chips? At first, I thought this little show of bribery was cute andRead MoreLove Has Many Definitions Essay791 Words   |  4 PagesWhat is love? Webster defines love as â€Å"a strong affection for another arising out of kinship or personal ties maternal love for a child (2): attraction based on sexual desire: affection and tenderness felt by lovers (3): affection based on admiration, benevolence, or common interests love for his old schoolmates.† Love comes in many forms. Unconditional love, the love of a mother for her child, romantic love, the love for your partner and passion or lust, a more sexual emotion towards a personRead MoreLove Is Characterized By Oedipus The King And Diotima s Definition Of Love1221 Words   |  5 Pagesreasons of Love. Despite having different occupations, they all seem to agree on their views of love except for Socrates. Socrates communicates that Love is a god, and then decides to add that he came to his conclusion with the help of a woman named Diotima. Although their views of love are similar, they are also different and can be seen through another philosopher’s stories; Antigone and Oedipus. Socrates’ definition of love is characterized by Oedipus the King and Diotima’s definition of love is characterizedRead MoreWhat is the Definition of True Love? Essay1328 Words   |  6 PagesI wanna love you and treat you right; I wanna love you every day and every night: Well be together with a roof right over our heads; Well share the shelter of my single bed; Well share the same room, yeah! - for Jah provide the bread. Is this love - is this love - is this love - Is this love that Im feelin?--- Bob Marley. Bob Marley wrote and sang about love just like hundreds of people before him. His idea of true love was sharing with someone in order

Thursday, December 26, 2019

Core Values Reward Offered Essay - 901 Words

MISSING: CORE VALUES – REWARD OFFERED It was the rock n’ rollin’ decade of post-war prosperity. Anything spring to mind? You guessed it†¦the 50s. However, regardless of the joy of a newly reclaimed pre-war lifestyle, the folk of this era maintained integrity, resilience, respect and commitment. Fast forward 60 years to the Peter Pan generation of today, where these values appear to have alarmingly diminished. Georgia Milfull explores the apathetic, egocentric society of today. After starting my first job last year, I have to admit, I’ve often struggled. Trying to uphold a social and family life while working both days every weekend, all while attempting to maintain high grades at school, is tough. It’s a mouthful to say, let alone do! But I’ve not once given up because I refuse to let myself, or anyone else down. I’m committed. Many of my contemporaries, on the other hand, resemble a posse of wild Bridget Joneses. They’re not only uncommitted to their work lives, but shamelessly change boyfriends like they change clothes. I often question whether I belong in their conversations and at their weekly parties. I have reached the conclusion that I don’t. I’d prefer a simpler time, where your word meant your word†¦a time like the 1950s. A dependable, understanding and resilient society. Not the hedonistic society of today. The classic, middle class family of the 1950s sitcom Father Knows Best, is a perfect example of where I belong. The head of the Warren clan, Jim, wasShow MoreRelatedRapid Rewards at Southwest Airlines Case Study Essay1012 Words   |  5 PagesRapid Rewards at Southwest Airlines Case Study Southwest Airlines prided themselves on their commitment to customer service and equality by offering a streamlined business model with an emphasis on simplicity and efficiency that has remained the same for the most part since the airlines’ inception in 1967. 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Friday, December 20, 2019

Essay the Lovely Bones - 915 Words

2009 NCEA External Examination Level 2 - 2.3 Extended Text Excellence answer Topic 2: Readers will often think about characters long after a text has been finished. Analyse how the writer made a character or characters memorable for you in a text you have studied. In The Lovely Bones by Alice Sebold the main character Susie Salmon is made memorable to us through the use of narrative point of view, symbolism, setting and her actions. The novel is based around the rape and murder of her and she narrates the process of grief and acceptance in a heart-warming, poignant yet beautiful way as she observes the effects of her death on earth from heaven. Sebold creates a full rounded impression of her – we see her triumphs and†¦show more content†¦Sebold purposely uses symbols of gardens and new life â€Å"like Buckley’s garden blooming one year in all its crazed jumbleness† to represent new life and Susie journeying into the new ‘springtime’ of her time in heaven. We see Susie move on to â€Å"the place I call this wide, wide heaven because it contains all of my simplest desires but also my most humble and g rand.† Sebold uses this to show us how after years of turmoil Susie has finally reached the point of acceptance. We as readers are inspired by her incredible resilience through a time that most of us would be broken in. Sebold created Susie as a character to show us the beauty of resilience and so as to educate the reader about how much we can learn from anyone, including a fourteen year old girl. We remember Susie as a figurehead for the type of person who can draw strength and beauty out of horror, moving on whilst never forgetting. These are hard lessons. In The Lovely Bones, Alice Sebold creates a rounded character of Susie Salmon who through symbolism, setting and narrative point of view remains an unforgettable person standing for resilience of human spirit and inspiration through grieving processes. Through Susie’s emotional journey we share with her the trauma of loss and recognise the beauty of inner strength that can be drawn from it. Sebold creates Susie who inspires us about humanity and will stand as a constant reminder of strength long after we finish theShow MoreRelatedEssay on Lovely Bones1113 Words   |  5 Pageswhile others invite it into their lives either out of curiosity or hope. As for Susie Salmon, she neither feared death nor encouraged it. Her murder was an unexpected one, but George Harvey was the only one expecting this moment for weeks. The Lovely Bones (novel by Alice Sebold and movie directed by Peter Jackson) describes the fictional incident of a young girl that is murdered, and her struggle t o maintain a portal to the mortal world to contact her family, while also finding within herself, theRead MoreThe Lovely Bones Essay1446 Words   |  6 Pagesregret is not for herself; it is for the members of her family and friends who are left to sort out her death. Although there are beautiful morsels describing Susies wide, wide heaven, it acts as a backdrop to the novel, not the centerpiece. The Lovely Bones is about Susie watching her family and friends heal and finding their way back to being connected with one another. It is about restoration of a family after it is devastated. The images and feelings elicited in this novel are ones that speakRead MoreThe Lovely Bones and Beloved Essay1739 Words   |  7 PagesA comparison of the ways that the dead affect the living in the novels Beloved by Toni Morrison and The Lovely Bones by Alice Sebold. In the novels that I have chosen to study, several themes are prominent in both. Both novels deal with a brutal murder of a young female, and the impact surrounding her death. They also deal with the idea of the dead, directly or indirectly communicating with the living. The novels address the theory that ‘ghosts’ cannot move onto the next life until they have resolvedRead MoreDealing With Grief In The Lovely Bones Essay1814 Words   |  8 PagesThe characters in Alice Sebold’s The Lovely Bones are faced with the difficult task of overcoming the loss of Susie, their daughter and sister. Jack, Abigail, Buckley, and Lindsey each deal with the loss differently. However, it is Susie who has the most difficulty accepting the loss of her own life. Several psychologists separate the grieving process into two main categories: intuitive and instrumental grievers. Intuitive grievers communicate their emotional distress and â€Å"experience, express, andRead MoreEssay on L ovely Bones: Mr. Harveys Childhood784 Words   |  4 PagesGeorge Harvey is always depicted as the vile, relentless murderer behind the rape and death of Susie Salmon, the protagonist of the novel Lovely Bones. It is easy for the reader to show absolutely no pity for this character. However, in Chapter 15, the author Alice Sebold converts this heartless soul into an individual that urges the reader to offer him sympathy instead. Sebold begins the chapter by reflecting on the tremendous amount of hardships that George Harvey endures in his childhood. Read MoreEssay about The Lovely Bones, by Alice Sebold1264 Words   |  6 PagesRole Mother? Role model? Motherhood? The death of a loved one can result in a trauma where the painful experience causes a psychological scar. Alice Sebold’s The Lovely Bones explores the different ways in which people process grief when they lose a loved one. When young Susie Salmon is killed on her way home from school, the remaining four members of her family all deal differently with their grief. After Susie’s death, her mother, Abigail Salmon, endures the adversity of losing her daughter, herRead MoreEssay about The Lovely Bones Movie vs Book857 Words   |  4 PagesPeter Jackson’s 2009 film, The Lovely Bones, is based off of the New York Times bestseller novel written by Alice Sebold. Both the book and the movie adaptation tell the story of a young, 14-year-old girl named Susie Salmon who is brutally murdered by her neighbor. In both versions, Susie narrates her story from the place between Heaven and Earth, the â€Å"in-between,† showing the lives of her family and friends and how e ach of their lives have changed since her murder. However, the film adaptationRead MoreEssay on Analysis of the Novel The Lovely Bones by Alice Sebold743 Words   |  3 Pageswere the lovely bones that had grown around my absence: the connections - sometimes tenuous, sometimes made at great cost, but often magnificent - that happened after I was gone. And I began to see things in a way that let me hold the world without me in it. The events that my death wrought were merely the bones of a body that would become whole at some unpredictable time in the future. The price of what I came to see as this miraculous body had been my life.† In the novel The Lovely Bones writtenRead MoreEssay on Critical analysis of Alice Sebolds The Lovely Bones3148 Words   |  13 Pages Alice Sebold’s number one national bestselling novel The Lovely Bones depicts the horrendous rape and murder of a small-town girl named Suzie Salmon. Suzie must then watch--from her own personal heaven—her family and friends struggle to cope and move on with their lives. The novel is set in the suburbs of Norristown, Pennsylvania, 1973. Published in 2002, The Lovely Bones became an instant bestseller, and in 2010 it was released into theaters around the world. Alice Sebold’s early years helpedRead MoreNarrative Analysis : An Order 762 Words   |  4 Pagesstressing over the details. This was the first essay I wrote while being with my lovely girlfriend Jennifer, and with her compassion and support she has made the stress and anxiety easier on me. She has helped me so much semester that I could not begin to express how grateful I am for her to be in my life right now. Narration is my strongest essay type in my own opinion, although there are still skills that can be more finely sharpened. The description essay was also a great amount easier for me to write

Tuesday, December 17, 2019

The Slavery Of South Africa - 1030 Words

When democracy was ushered in after the fall of the apartheid regime, the nation went through radical change. Not only was the stalwart Nationalist Party replaced by the liberation leaders of the African National Congress, but the citizens of South Africa also had to replace their apartheid era thinking with that of a newly liberated and enlightened mind. Issues of national importance suddenly affected everyone – the movement from apartheid rule to democracy brought about a new set of national values that were based on the protection of and respect for all citizens of South Africa. When it came to debates around the decriminalization of sex work, the discourse changed completely from the apartheid to the post-apartheid era. Arguments in favor of decriminalizing sex work during apartheid were mainly based on issues of public health and the benefits of increased leniency; arguments in the post-apartheid era were heavily influenced by the new constitution and its accompanying Bil l of Rights, and thus these debates were centered on attempting to advance the process of democracy by affording sex workers their basic human rights. This paper will attempt to decipher the ways in which the debates around the decriminalization of sex work evolved during this time period, and how the racial relations between South Africans at the time played an important role in defining these discussions. One would find themselves extremely lost if they attempted to understand the lack of interestShow MoreRelatedSlavery During The Early Times Of South Africa2686 Words   |  11 PagesSlavery has been around almost since the beginning of time. It has a long history of violence, brutality, and unforgiving labor. Part of slavery’s history involves the early development of South Africa when in 1658 the Dutch brought the first slaves to the soil of the cape colony. Being brought over for labor, the slaves might not have been able to bring much with them, but they did bring their particular cultures. Without realizing it, the Dutch elite that brought the slaves to the colony addedRead MoreSlavery, Colonialism and Capitalism783 Words   |  3 PagesSlavery, Colonialism and Capitalism, it can be said that there is a relationship between these three systems. There are many different views on this topic, the main views being the Liberal-pluralists and the Radical revisionists who under stand this relationship from different perspectives. To prove the connection between these three systems that impacted many countries this essay shall make close reference to a number of sources. Cedric Robinson (1984: 57) discusses the fact that slavery lead toRead MoreThe Narrative Of The Life Of Olandah Equiano1716 Words   |  7 Pagesprovides a view of Africa and the rest of the world from the perspective of either an African taken into slavery early in his life or a slave of African descent born in the British colonies. Olandah Equiano’s narrative reveals more about the African Diaspora than it does African history itself, particularly with his birthplace called into question. If he was born in Africa as he claims, Equiano’s narrative provides a primary source for the history of the slave trade in Africa and Nigerian historyRead MoreAbolition of Slaver in the Cape1084 Words   |  5 PagesThe abolition of slave trade was passed by the British Parliament on 24 August 1833. This affected South Africa , which was a British colony at the time, as many colonists at the Cape had lots of capital invested in their slaves. Colonists were particularly annoyed bec ause payment of the slaves was to be collected personally in England, and in many cases the cost of the trip would be more than the money received. ( In order to answer this key question, information relating theRead MoreNorth and South on Slavery1040 Words   |  4 PagesThe North and South have very different views on slavery. This has lead to lots of tension and fighting. When people were first settling here they had slaves. It has been going on for almost 100 years. Starting around the Revolutionary war the North became opposed to slavery. They had less use for them as time went on. The South, on the other hand, felt they needed slavery. They had to harvest tobacco and cotton as fast as possible. They knew they couldn’t do it themselves so they bought lots ofRead More slavery in 18th century Essay956 Words   |  4 Pagesslavery in 18th century Despite the horror of the word slavery we have to admit that slaves have played a big role in rising big empires. For example the Egyptians used slaves to build their majestic pyramids, the Chinese and Indian used slaves for large-scale construction and agricultural and the Hebrews also used slaves. Slaves were brought from Africa to the British American colonies to work in agriculture and farming, which among other factors made the British colonies in America become soRead MoreThe Slavery Of The North And South Between 1700 And 17991072 Words   |  5 PagesIn the Western countries including America, most of the nations incorporated provisions for slavery within their structure of governance. As slavery took roots in the North and South between 1700 and 1799, it influenced political, social and economic structures of the two regions throughout the 18th century. Towards the end of 17th century, European masters embarked on granting independence to their colonies. As the European colonies in the North gained independence, residents of the independentRead MoreHistory : Existence Of Slavery Essay1596 Words   |  7 PagesKristin Ikeler History 1301 Existence of Slavery in America One of the historic foundations that the United States was formed on was known as slavery. Slavery had such an immense impact on American history from the early sixteenth century to the nineteenth century. It has facilitated in shaping the modern world, in addition to slavery had a strong role in forming the United States Constitution as we know it today. Slavery refers to an individual who is owned by others andRead MoreThe Impact of Slavery on African Society Essay1149 Words   |  5 PagesThe Impact of Slavery on African Society Slavery has played a strong role in African society from as early as prehistoric times, continuing to the modern era. Early slavery within Africa was a common practice in many societies, and was very central to the country’s economy. Beginning around the 7th century, two groups of non-African slave traders significantly altered the traditional African forms of slavery that had been practiced in the past. Native Africans were now being forced to leave theRead MoreAp U.S. History Chapter 161577 Words   |  7 PagesChapter 16 THE SOUTH AND SLAVERY, 1793–1860 1. Part Three Introduction This introduction gives you a preview of the authors’ answers to certain key questions about the causes and consequences of the nation’s â€Å"awesome trial by fire,† the Civil War. Look at this section and list three major questions you think the authors will be addressing in the next seven chapters. (1) (2) (3) 2. Southern Economy and Social Structure a. Explain the connection between the invention

Thursday, December 12, 2019

Sports And Aggressive Behavior Essay Research Paper Example For Students

Sports And Aggressive Behavior Essay Research Paper Sports and Aggressive Behavior Sport and aggressive behavior, Do sports create aggressive behavior, or simply attract people who are already aggressive? Aggression and sport have gone together as long as sports have been around, be it the players themselves, to the parents, coaches, or spectators, they just seem to be an inseparable part of each other. The term violence is defined as physical assault based on total disregard for the well being of self and others, or the intent to injure another person ( 2. Coakley). Intimidation usually does not cause physical harm, but often is designed to produce psychological consequences, enabling one person to physically over power or dominate another. These statements as defined by the author, Jay J. Coakley, is what people today have made a must part on sport. Pleasure and participation sports absolutely cannot be grouped with power and performance sports when in relation to aggression. Pleasure sports are simply played for pleasure. Score is usually not kept. The athletes participating are usually on occasion doing it for fun and exercise. A majority of athletes who have been playing sports since they were little, have probably been pounded into their heads that to be successful in sport, you need to be aggressive, and at some times, unnecessary. Also that to get what you want, you have to go at it with all force. Not that this is wrong but, this attitude in todays society has been a major problem factor to the athletes when they get older, to get into trouble with the law. Those long-term effects of so called discipline, patterns develops these destructive behaviors. (9. Montague) Although some people are still in belief that aggressive behaviors in all forms, are grounded into instincts, but they also relate these actions to sports. Their parents played, who were known for their aggressive behavior, so the child feels that they have to live up to that expectation. ( 6. Storr) Athletes do have to be aggressive to a point, so that the team can form a strategy to win. There is also a limit to aggression when it turns into violence. People might say that its not aggression or violence, its just adrenaline pumping. Adrenaline isnt even similar to violence. Aggression, maybe, but nothing that would be harmful to anyone else. This might be a factor to why contact sports are so popular. For example, football, hockey, rugby, wrestling, and boxing. Contrary to predictions of instinct theory, several studies show that contact sports exist and thrive in the same societies that have high rates of aggression and violence. Unfortunately, another belief is that contact sports teach discipline, self-respect, and self-defense. (8. May ) Contact sports arent a positive way to teach these things. Being physically tough helps, but it also needs to be left on the field when the game is over. This can also lead to the abuse of family, girlfriends, boyfriends, friends, and any other person who gets in their way, because athletes use these sports as a way to get their aggression and angers out. ( 10. Hauser, Powers, Noam ) Others might argue that its skill, and not in the least way violent. Although we really cant give a straight and to the point answer to the question Is aggression an Instinct? We can say that in man, as in other animals, there exists a physiological mechanism, when stimulated, it rises both subjective feelings of anger and to physical changes, which relate to fighting. This is easily set off, and like other emotional responses, it is very stereotyped, and instinctive. Just like one person is like a very angry person; they resemble one another at the psychological level. The way in which humans adapt to and control their feelings of rage. .u2851578a27f780e257019ac7cefd9363 , .u2851578a27f780e257019ac7cefd9363 .postImageUrl , .u2851578a27f780e257019ac7cefd9363 .centered-text-area { min-height: 80px; position: relative; } .u2851578a27f780e257019ac7cefd9363 , .u2851578a27f780e257019ac7cefd9363:hover , .u2851578a27f780e257019ac7cefd9363:visited , .u2851578a27f780e257019ac7cefd9363:active { border:0!important; } .u2851578a27f780e257019ac7cefd9363 .clearfix:after { content: ""; display: table; clear: both; } .u2851578a27f780e257019ac7cefd9363 { display: block; transition: background-color 250ms; webkit-transition: background-color 250ms; width: 100%; opacity: 1; transition: opacity 250ms; webkit-transition: opacity 250ms; background-color: #95A5A6; } .u2851578a27f780e257019ac7cefd9363:active , .u2851578a27f780e257019ac7cefd9363:hover { opacity: 1; transition: opacity 250ms; webkit-transition: opacity 250ms; background-color: #2C3E50; } .u2851578a27f780e257019ac7cefd9363 .centered-text-area { width: 100%; position: relative ; } .u2851578a27f780e257019ac7cefd9363 .ctaText { border-bottom: 0 solid #fff; color: #2980B9; font-size: 16px; font-weight: bold; margin: 0; padding: 0; text-decoration: underline; } .u2851578a27f780e257019ac7cefd9363 .postTitle { color: #FFFFFF; font-size: 16px; font-weight: 600; margin: 0; padding: 0; width: 100%; } .u2851578a27f780e257019ac7cefd9363 .ctaButton { background-color: #7F8C8D!important; color: #2980B9; border: none; border-radius: 3px; box-shadow: none; font-size: 14px; font-weight: bold; line-height: 26px; moz-border-radius: 3px; text-align: center; text-decoration: none; text-shadow: none; width: 80px; min-height: 80px; background: url(; position: absolute; right: 0; top: 0; } .u2851578a27f780e257019ac7cefd9363:hover .ctaButton { background-color: #34495E!important; } .u2851578a27f780e257019ac7cefd9363 .centered-text { display: table; height: 80px; padding-left : 18px; top: 0; } .u2851578a27f780e257019ac7cefd9363 .u2851578a27f780e257019ac7cefd9363-content { display: table-cell; margin: 0; padding: 0; padding-right: 108px; position: relative; vertical-align: middle; width: 100%; } .u2851578a27f780e257019ac7cefd9363:after { content: ""; display: block; clear: both; } READ: Designer Babies Essay ( 5. Toch) The mechanisms in which these body changes, the functions that come about is still completely misunderstood. ( 5. Toch) Experiments from animals show that it appears that there is a small area from the base of the brain in which the feeling of anger starts. This, from which is sent to the nervous impulses that cause the blood pressure to rise. This area is called the hypothalamus. Its

Monday, December 9, 2019

Cloning Is It Ethical Essay Research Paper free essay sample

Cloning- Is It Ethical Essay, Research Paper Familial Engineering ; Cloning In today? universe of advanced engineering and even faster advancement of this engineering one has to halt and analyze what we have accomplished. How far do we desire to travel with this engineering of familial technology, peculiarly in the field of cloning. Examining familial technology and its many possibilities holds great hope for the hereafter. Centrally the issue of cloning has been a hot subject in the media chiefly because its has become a technological every bit good as a medical discovery. The possibilities of cloning are countless that is, if it works. But the other side of the coin are the moralss of the procedure. What happens when we master cloning of organic structure parts and venture out to clone worlds? Will this ringer be person who has feelings, and head and a spirit of its ain? Will it hold a psyche? Familial Engineering, the change of an being # 8217 ; s familial, or familial, stuff to extinguish unwanted features or to bring forth desirable new 1s ( Brennan, 57 ) . Familial technology is used to increase works and animate being nutrient production ; to name disease, better medical intervention, and bring forth vaccinums and other utile drugs. ( Brennan, 58 ) . Included in familial technology techniques are the selective genteelness of workss and animate beings, and recombinant DNA. The first familial technology technique, still used today, was the selective genteelness of workss and animate beings, normally for increased nutrient production. In selective genteelness, merely those workss or animate beings with good features are chosen for farther genteelness. Corn has been selectively bred for increased meats size and figure and for nutritionary content. More late, selective genteelness of wheat and rice in an attempt called the green revolution has helped provide the universe # 8217 ; s ever-increasing demand for nutrient ( Clarke, 1211 ) . This is besides another facet of engineering that has improved over the old ages. Production has proved that we can turn more with less land mass. Cattle and hogs were foremost domesticated about 8000 old ages ago and through selective genteelness have become chief beginnings of meat for worlds. Dogs and Equus caballuss have besides been selectively bred for 1000s of old ages for recreational intents. Over the past 20 old ages, familial technology has been revolutionized by a new technique known as recombinant DNA, or cistron splice, with which scientists can straight change familial stuff ( Encarta, 03 ) . Genes consist of the chemical deoxyribonucleic acid ( DNA ) . In recombinant DNA, the Deoxyribonucleic acid of one being is joined to the Deoxyribonucleic acid of a 2nd being to bring forth a recombinant Deoxyribonucleic acid. When this recombinant DNA is spliced with another being, it for good changes the familial make-up of that being. Recombinant DNA techniques have transformed familial technology in works and animate being nutrient production and medical specialty. In most instances, DNA can non be transferred straight from its original being, known as the giver, to the receiver being, known as the host ( Brennan? ? ) . Alternatively, the giver DNA must be cut and recombined with a duplicate fragment of Deoxyribonucleic acid from an being that can transport the giver DNA into the host. In 1982 the United States Food and Drug Administration ( FDA ) approved for the first clip the medical usage of a recombinant DNA protein, the endocrine insulin, which had been cloned in big measures ( Encarta, 05 ) . Previously, this endocrine, used by diabetics had been available merely in limited measures from pigs. Since that clip, the FDA has approved other genetically engineered proteins for usage in worlds. Scientists besides have employed recombinant DNA techniques to bring forth medically utile human proteins in carnal milk ( Clarke, 1211 ) . In this process, the human cistron responsible for the coveted protein is foremost linked to specific cistrons of the animate being that are active merely in its milk-producing secretory organs ( Clarke, 1211 ) . The egg of the animate being is so injected with the linked cistrons. The ensuing babes will hold these linked cistrons in every cell of their organic structure but will bring forth the human protein merely in their milk. The human protein is eventually extracted from the animate being # 8217 ; s milk for usage as medical specialty. In this manner, sheep # 8217 ; s milk is used to bring forth an enzyme used in the intervention of emphysema ; cow # 8217 ; s milk is used to bring forth a protein that combats bacterial infections ; and goat # 8217 ; s milk is used as yet another manner to bring forth blood-clot-dissolving enzyme besides cloned in hamster cell civilizations ( Encarta, 04 ) . Now that familial technology has been to the full reviewed, the issue of cloning will be introduced and examined. The definition of a ringer, an being, or group of beings, derived from another being by an nonsexual generative procedure ( Church of Scotland, 02 ) . Normally the members of a ringer are indistinguishable in their familial features? that is, in their cistrons? except for any differences caused by mutant ( Encarta, 06 ) . Identical twins, for illustration, who originate from the division of a individual fertilized egg, are members of a ringer ; whereas non-identical twins, derived from two separate fertilized eggs, are non ringers. Through the recent progresss in familial technology, scientists can insulate the single cistron ( or group of cistrons ) from one being and turn it in another being belonging to a different species ( Clarke, 1211 ) . Thus it is able to bring forth a ringer of beings, or cells, that all contain the same foreign cistron or cistrons. This technique is called cloning because it uses ringers of beings or cells. For obvious grounds it has great economic and medical potency and is the topic of huge research. Identical-twin animate beings ( or worlds ) may be produced by cloning every bit good. An embryo in the early phase of development is removed from the womb and split, so each separate portion is placed in a foster womb. Mammals such as mice and sheep have been produced by this method, which is by and large called embryo splitting. Another development has been the find that a whole karyon, incorporating an full set of chromosomes, can be taken from a cell and injected into a fertilized egg whose ain karyon has been removed ( Encarta, 06 ) . This cloning technique is in theory capable of bring forthing big Numberss of genetically indistinguishable persons. Experiments utilizing this technique have been successfully accomplished with toads and mice. Advancement in cloning higher mammals beyond an early embryologic phase presents a much more formidable challenge. Genes in cells at the earliest phases of embryologic life carry the encoded cognition that enables cells to develop into any portion of the organic structure ( Bereano, 754 ) . But sceptics theorized that one time cells form into specific organic structure interiors, they thereafter lose the capableness to retrace the full being from the familial contents of the karyon. However, in July 1996, a squad of Scots scientists produced the first unrecorded birth of a healthy sheep cloned from an grownup mammal. The squad scraped skin cells from the bag of a donor sheep ( sheep A ) and these cells were temporarily? starved? of foods to halt cell development. An unfertilised egg was removed from a 2nd sheep ( sheep B ) and its karyon was removed to extinguish familial features of the giver egg. A tegument cell from sheep A ( incorporating a karyon with familial stuff ) was fused with the unfertilize vitamin D egg from sheep B. The egg, now with a full complement of cistrons, began spliting and was placed into the womb of a alternate female parent ( sheep C ) . The embryo developed usually and was delivered safely. Named Dolly, this healthy sheep was introduced to the universe with much ostentation in February 1997 ( Encarta, 06 ) . While Dolly has most of the familial features of sheep Angstrom, she is non a true ringer. Not all of an animate being? s cistrons are found in the cell? s karyon. There are a few twelve cistrons that reside in the chondriosome outside the karyon in the cell? s cytol. In Dolly? s instance, some of these cistrons were supplied by the giver egg of sheep B ( Encarta, 06 ) . Ethical motives Public reaction to the usage of recombinant DNA in familial technology has been mixed. The production of medical specialties through the usage of genetically altered being has by and large been welcomed. However, critics of recombinant DNA fright that the pathogenic, or disease-producing, beings used in some recombinant DNA experiments might develop highly infective signifiers that could do world-wide epidemics ( Harris, 754 ) . Questions have been raised refering the morality of bring forthing transgenic beings. In add-on, some critics object to the patenting of genetically altered beings because it makes the beings the belongings of peculiar companies ( Zou, 03 ) . ? I believe that censoring cloning would ( 1 ) halt of import research that could be critical in many future medical Fieldss. ( 2 ) halt progresss in current engineerings such as sterility. And last of all ( 3 ) halt something that has the possible to alleviate human agony? ( Zou, 01 ) .Here Zou presents his thoughts on why human cloning should non be banned. His thoughts are widely expressed as the popular pick for human cloning. These grounds may look as all the grounds we need to continue with cloning but what is the other side of the coin? ? ? coverage has put excessively much accent on the demands of research scientists, while underacting the unity and self-respect of research topics? ( Bereano, 754 ) . The self-respect of the research topic is an of import facet of cloning. What happens if there was an exact transcript of one individual in two different topographic points in the universe? One physicist points out the fact that if a ringer had the exact familial make-up every bit good as the same memories and encephalon moving ridges, the ringer every bit good as the original would be convinced that each of them were the original. How would the research capable feel about holding a ringer in the same universe? ? On rule, to retroflex any human technologically is against the basic self-respect of the singularity of each human being in God # 8217 ; s sight. Christians would see this as a misdemeanor of the singularity of a human life, which God has given to each of us and to no 1 else. Even indistinguishable twins are alone as persons? ( Church of Scotland, 01 ) . Here is an statement against the cloning of worlds presented by the manager of this church. This statement is considered the direct antonym or the? other side of the coin? . Human self-respect is a monolithic portion of the human race and I think that is why the issue of cloning is traveling to be another one the unanswerable subjects, like abortion. Detecting some personal positions on cloning from persons with experience, thoughts about this affair could be somewhat altered. In the instance of Simon Kenwright, a male parent who had lost his teenage boy, neer paid much attending to medical issues until a discovery in engineering could be a savior. Cryopreservation was an option that Simon thought might be plausible because he had heard about cloning. Possibly raising his boy once more in the hereafter when this process was perfected was a enticement he had to defy. ? The option seemed morally incorrect, and seemed to take away from the significance of life and decease? ( Kenwright, 1401 ) . Another instance refering the issue of cloning is the instance of the Ayala sister? s. In 1990, a kid was conceived for the intent of being a giver for a bone marrow graft for the older sister who was diagnosed with leukaemia. Was this an ethical or medical determination? Henning Allmers of Germany proclaims, ? Experience in every field of scientific discipline Teachs us that procedures that are technically possible will be performed? ( Allmers, 1401 ) . Henning besides brings up the issue of the black market. That cloning should be? busted unfastened? so the black market habit have a opportunity to do anything of this. In decision, familial technology has come under such examination merely to supply assorted options medically every bit good as technologically. The procedure of selective genteelness seemed harmless every bit good as progressing in the field of agribusiness and animate being genteelness. This might be considered the gap room access to recombinant DNA. Selective genteelness was fundamentally taking the best of what was there and engendering it with another being of the same sort. In recombinant DNA, there is existent cistron splicing to bring forth another being. Many new progresss have been made with this new method of familial technology. And so there is cloning, which is taking an being and doing an exact transcript of it. I would wish to take this chance to portion my thoughts and ideas about the affair of familial technology and more specifically cloning. Genetic technology has provided many new progresss in medical specialty which may hold helped salvage lives. I feel that we did hold to take a few hazards to happen out what new helpful medical specialties we could derive. I have no expostulations to familial technology in general, until it comes to cloning. The existent idea of cloning a human scares me and I am certain to many others. Cloning organic structure parts could be really good to the universe and we would come in a new epoch of medical specialty. But embarking out and cloning an existent homo will achieve a batch of unwanted reactions. Its a topic that I think will neer genuinely be solved like abortion or mercy killing. The creative activity of Dolly represents a alone progress for cloning engineering, but it intensified the argument about subjecting worlds to cloning. Rather than a pre liminary to human cloning, nevertheless, many scientists say the accomplishment of cloning is the precursor of a revolution in carnal genteelness. Cloning animate beings, to me, is non that large of a trade. But cloning worlds is a wholly new ball game. The biggest inquiry in my head about a human ringer is whether this ringer would hold a psyche. Or would it be person that looks, negotiations and Acts of the Apostless like you or me, but would be losing that particular something in his/her oculus. 1. Brennan, Richard P. , Levitating Trains and Kamikaze Genes. New York: John Wiley A ; Sons, Inc. , 1994. 2. Clarke, Bryan C. , ? Quantum: cloning and its moralss? . The Science? s. Volume 37, issue 3 ( June 1997 ) : Pg. 1211. 3. John Harris A ; Philip Bereano. ? Is cloning an onslaught on human self-respect? ? Nature. Volume 387, issue 6635 ( June 19, 1997 ) : Pg. 754. 4. Henning Allmers A ; Simon Kenwright. ? Ethical motives of Cloning? . The Lancet. Volume 349, issue 9062 ( May 10, 1997 ) : Pg. 1401. 5. Church of Scotland. ? Should we clone worlds? ? Main web page. Date? Online article. Hypertext transfer protocol: // 6. Zou, Ben. ? Should Cloning be banned? ? Main web page. Date? Online article. Hypertext transfer protocol: // 7. Microsoft Encarta Encyclopedia

Thursday, December 5, 2019

Huckleberry Finn Racism Essay Example For Students

Huckleberry Finn: Racism Essay In Mark Twains The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn the main character Huck, makes two very important decisions. The first one is how he treats Jim when he first meets him at Jacksons Island and the second is to tear up the letter to Miss Watson because he cares deeply for Jim. When Huck first runs away from Pap he goes to Jacksons Island and thinks that he is the only person there. He soon finds out that this is not true, and that Miss Watsons Jim1 , is taking crap there as well. Many people would hate to be alone on an island with a nigger2 , but Huck is happy to have someone to talk with. At first Jim thinks he sees Hucks ghost and is scared. Huck gets Jims feelings by changing the subject and saying Its good daylight, les get breakfast3 , showing that Huck is not only real but he does not mind that Jim is black. Jim feels that Huck might tell on him for running away, but he then decides that it will be okay to tell him why he ran away from Miss Watson. Jim keeps asking Huck if he is going to tell anyone about his running away, and Huck says People would call me a low down abolitionist and despise me for keeping mum but that dont make no difference I aint gonna tell4 . Hucks response truly shows that his ignorance has no showing over his kindness. When taken into consideration good decisions are much more important in the long run than being the smartest person. After traveling with Jim for quite some time Huck begins to feel bad about harboring a runaway slave. He decides to write a letter to Miss Watson explaining the whole story, because Jim had been sold and he does not know where he is. Huck was indeed confused about what he should do so he dropped he dropped to his knees and began to pray. He felt by helping Jim he was committing a sin, but he later realized you cant pray a lie5 . Huck saying this shows that he feels what he has done for Jim is not wrong; instead what others had done to Jim is wrong. Still not sure of what to do about the whole situation Huck writes the letter to Miss Watson, thinking he will be cleaned of sin6 and not feel so bad about what he is doing. After writing this letter of confession to Miss Watson, Huck starts to reminisce about the times he had with Jim. As he is thinking he comes across the times Jim would be standing my watch on top of hisn, stead of calling me so I could go on sleeping7 . Huck begins to realize that he would not be able to strike no places to harden me against him8 , showing that he realizes that Jim has done nothing but good for him. Huck looks at what he is doing and feels ashamed. He takes one final look at the letter before saying all right then, Ill go to hell9 and then rips up the letter of confession. The fact that Huck looked back at his times with Jim before deciding to tear up the letter shows that the decision was obviously made conscientiously through his decisions. Hucks decisions have a major efect on the way he treats Jim at Jacksons Island and in his decision to tear up the confession letter to Miss Watson. The way that these decisions are made shows that Huck does indeed have a good set of morals, which he uses to make his decisions. .u19d76dbffb1612d453451376683a144b , .u19d76dbffb1612d453451376683a144b .postImageUrl , .u19d76dbffb1612d453451376683a144b .centered-text-area { min-height: 80px; position: relative; } .u19d76dbffb1612d453451376683a144b , .u19d76dbffb1612d453451376683a144b:hover , .u19d76dbffb1612d453451376683a144b:visited , .u19d76dbffb1612d453451376683a144b:active { border:0!important; } .u19d76dbffb1612d453451376683a144b .clearfix:after { content: ""; display: table; clear: both; } .u19d76dbffb1612d453451376683a144b { display: block; transition: background-color 250ms; webkit-transition: background-color 250ms; width: 100%; opacity: 1; transition: opacity 250ms; webkit-transition: opacity 250ms; background-color: #95A5A6; } .u19d76dbffb1612d453451376683a144b:active , .u19d76dbffb1612d453451376683a144b:hover { opacity: 1; transition: opacity 250ms; webkit-transition: opacity 250ms; background-color: #2C3E50; } .u19d76dbffb1612d453451376683a144b .centered-text-area { width: 100%; position: relative ; } .u19d76dbffb1612d453451376683a144b .ctaText { border-bottom: 0 solid #fff; color: #2980B9; font-size: 16px; font-weight: bold; margin: 0; padding: 0; text-decoration: underline; } .u19d76dbffb1612d453451376683a144b .postTitle { color: #FFFFFF; font-size: 16px; font-weight: 600; margin: 0; padding: 0; width: 100%; } .u19d76dbffb1612d453451376683a144b .ctaButton { background-color: #7F8C8D!important; color: #2980B9; border: none; border-radius: 3px; box-shadow: none; font-size: 14px; font-weight: bold; line-height: 26px; moz-border-radius: 3px; text-align: center; text-decoration: none; text-shadow: none; width: 80px; min-height: 80px; background: url(; position: absolute; right: 0; top: 0; } .u19d76dbffb1612d453451376683a144b:hover .ctaButton { background-color: #34495E!important; } .u19d76dbffb1612d453451376683a144b .centered-text { display: table; height: 80px; padding-left : 18px; top: 0; } .u19d76dbffb1612d453451376683a144b .u19d76dbffb1612d453451376683a144b-content { display: table-cell; margin: 0; padding: 0; padding-right: 108px; position: relative; vertical-align: middle; width: 100%; } .u19d76dbffb1612d453451376683a144b:after { content: ""; display: block; clear: both; } READ: Term limits Essay With Huck being only a young kid and Jim being much older, I think that it is easy to say that Mark Twain grew up in a area that was just like that when he was a young kid and also I believe that he was against slavery. It was probably something to do with someone he knew or something like that, he probably made friends with a slave and realized that they have lives to.

Monday, December 2, 2019

Old Generation versus New Generation of Teenagers free essay sample

Today In our society, there Is a debate regarding on who Is the better generation? Is It the Old Generation which are born from 80s and below or the New Generation which are born from 90s and up to now? What are the traits of the New Generation that the old Generation dont have? And which traits of the New Generation do the Old Generation doesnt have? I had read one article in the internet regarding this issue; the article said that the teens today are more impulsive than the teens of the old generation. We will write a custom essay sample on Old Generation versus New Generation of Teenagers or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page Nowadays, most of the teenagers are impulsive, meaning it doesnt think before they act or they act without forethought. This issue is proven in many psychological studies and surveys regarding on how the teenagers nowadays thinks or react regarding a certain actions or problems. The teenagers today are more liberated than the teenagers of the old generation. The technology today influences the behaviour of the young ones and the teenagers of this generation. Based on the studies, one of the factors that affect the behaviour of the young ones and the teens of this generation Is the social media. Social media refers to the Interaction among people In which they create, share, and/ or exchange information and ideas in virtual communities and networks. The examples of social media are the social networking sites (Facebook, twitter, Instagram etc. ), TV programs, movies etc. all of these affects the behaviour of the teenagers. Also the attitude of the parents towards their siblings or children also affects the behaviour of the teens. Nowadays, most of the parents are not that so strict to their children, if their sons or daughters commit mistakes, they just simply talk to them unlike in the old generation where in corporal punishments are made when the children or teenagers did a mistake. In the old generation, the teenager thinks before hey act or they ask for guidance from their parents before doing something because they were afraid of committing mistakes unlike the teenagers today wherein they act as If they know everything and they are so Impulsive. The Impulsiveness of the teenagers nowadays made them worst compare to the teenagers of the old generations. Today, a lot of crimes were made that involves a youth or a teenager, crimes such as rape, robbery, murder etc. Because of the modernizations that are happening, the behaviour of the people changes, not only the behaviour of the youth of the new generation but also the ehaviour of the adults or those were born in the old generation. The old generation must guide the youth of the new generation towards becoming a good person because based on the article that I had read which they conducted a study on why teenagers are so Impulsive. On the whole, teenagers made about 15% more errors than adults and because of this the adults must serve as a gulde for the new generation of the teens. If the adults Influence them In a good way, then the teenagers of this new generation will become a better person but if the old generations or ea u ts intluence will be worst. them in a wrong way, then the tuture ot mankind

Thursday, November 28, 2019

Information Technology Acts

Children’s Internet Protection Act, 2000 Almost every home, library and school in the US has computers as well as access to the internet. These have become very important to children’s success in their academic work. However, the internet can expose them to online predators as well as inappropriate material. The increase in use of the internet by children especially teenagers brought in concerns about the need to prevent illegal activities over the internet.Advertising We will write a custom essay sample on Information Technology Acts specifically for you for only $16.05 $11/page Learn More The US Congress enacted the Children’s Internet Protection Act, 2000 to address access to offensive content through the internet. The Act requires schools as well as libraries to put content filters on their information systems to prevent minors from accessing inappropriate sites and contents (Reynolds, 2006). Content devices are placed to block o bscene and child pornography pictures, as well as, any other material deemed to cause harm to minors. The passing of this Act was prompted by the increase of global network which enabled minors to chart or communicate through email and chart rooms. This was deemed to pose risks to minors who can still be easily deceived by those who pretend to have good intent. Besides, software for hacking and spyware had become very common, meaning that anybody could easily illegally gain access to minors’ information if they wanted to for any reason. Hacking allows unauthorized access, disclosure as well as dissemination of personal identification information about children and teenagers. This posed great risks to minors who access the internet. There were concerns that some of these software companies develop software which enable them track minors’ web-surfing activities, and as a result sell the information to market research companies (Reynolds, 2006). This is illegitimate and a gainst the Privacy Act. Marketing companies and other firms use such information to send email advertisements by use of ardware through minors’ email addresses, regardless of their ages and the risks associated with the products or activities. Again, the internet allows those who develop pornography movies and pictures to distribute them online. Some of these contents are freely available online and always attract minors’ attention. Such inappropriate contents contribute to minors being involved in immoral activities which include sex when they are not yet mature. The internet also allows drug gangs to make attractive advertisements which allow them to easily recruit teenagers into their drug and gang activities. Computer Fraud and Abuse Act, 1986 The Act was passed to help reduce cracking of information systems as well as to deal with federal computer-related offenses. It governs cases where information systems are used to carry out crimes involving interstate as well as foreign commerce. It also covers the use of computers to commit crimes related to illegal access or use of computers of financial institutions or the federal government.Advertising Looking for essay on it? Let's see if we can help you! Get your first paper with 15% OFF Learn More The act was passed as a result of the development of electronic funds transfer systems, hacking software, spyware, virus and the increase in adoption of information systems in institutions. The adoption of electronic funds transfers created real concerns about fraud or illegal transfer of funds from financial institutions. Fraudsters are able to maliciously access data and use various techniques to steal money from financial institutions or individual accounts. The development of credit cards, ATM cards and automated machines has increased the risks of fraud. Criminals skim credit card details by swiping them through card reader to copy the information contained in their magnetic strip, an d use them to generate cloned cards (Stamp Walker, 2007). Companies have developed handheld skimmers which can fit into pockets and hands, which allow fraudsters to secretly swipe cards without the knowledge of the owners. Some of these skimmers are attached to ATMs in the card slot. They are used in combination with pinhole cameras to record customers entering PIN. Fraudsters can also take advantage of their powerful encrypting software to encrypt passwords of employees in a financial institution to transfer funds from the institution to a financial institution in another country. The development of online financial transactions has also increased fraud risk. Hackers can hack financial details of an individual or institution through unauthorized leaks in the system and use it carry out fraud activities, which includes illegal transfer of funds and assets across countries. Software companies and individuals continuously develop password hacking software which hackers and crackers u se to view activities of other remotely connected computers. They are therefore able to spy activities of institutions of the federal government or monitor the financial activities of financial institutions. There also software which enables them to capture the activities of these institutions or damage vital data belonging to these institutions (Wienbar, 2004). These software enable them crack passwords since they are stronger than firewall and other filters. They can therefore illegally gain access to confidential information and use it to achieve their own personal interest. Spyware and viruses have been developed to cause damage and to gain unauthorized access to federal information. They can be used to hack, delete files or information stored in protected computers vital to the federal government or institutions. New technologies such as spyware can be used to collect information from corporate or public institutions without the knowledge of the computer users. They can be used to monitor computer users, collect personal information and take control of the computer of computer systems.Advertising We will write a custom essay sample on Information Technology Acts specifically for you for only $16.05 $11/page Learn More They can install additional software which may include virus, and interfere with functionality of other computer programs. The development of webcams also poses great risks. Individuals remotely activate webcams embedded in computers used in institutions to secretly capture activities, and therefore illegally monitor activities of individuals and institutions. Reference List Reynolds, G. (2006). Ethics in information technology, 2nd Ed. St Peter Port: Course Technology Inc. Stamp, J., Walker, J. (2007). Money laundering in Australia, 2004: Trends and issues in crime and criminal justice. Australian Institute of Criminology, 342. Wienbar, S. (2004). The Spyware Inferno. Web. This essay on Information Technology Acts was written and submitted by user Inertia to help you with your own studies. You are free to use it for research and reference purposes in order to write your own paper; however, you must cite it accordingly. You can donate your paper here.

Wednesday, November 27, 2019

International Management Essay Essays

International Management Essay Essays International Management Essay Essay International Management Essay Essay Executive Summary This written instance analysis study is prepared for the analysis of the instance survey of the Tata Group – â€Å"The Last Rajah: Ratan Tata and Tata’s Global Expansion. † ( Luthans and Doh 2009 ) . It will foremost get down with a brief debut on the Tata Group of India. with the beginning and the secondary ( both short- and long-run ) jobs of this biggest pudding stone in India. to be identified and discussed following. An analysis of the jobs is presented following. followed by the standards of rating. A comprehensive listing of all major executable classs of action are presented before the recommended scheme ( Internet Explorers ) are discussed. The following subdivision will cover the justifications of recommendations followed by the execution. control and follow up. 1. Introduction The Tata Group. India’s biggest pudding stone ( Luthans and Doh 2009 ) . was founded by 29-years old Jamsetji Nusserwanji Tata in 1868. It was foremost established as a trading company in Bombay and started open uping concerns in sectors such as steel. energy. fabrics and cordial reception ( Tata Group 2012 ) . In 1904. Sir Dorab Tata. the senior of Jamsetji’s two boies. succeeded Tata Group in Germany after Jamsetji passed on. Ratan Tata succeeded as the president. following the decease of his uncle – J. R. D. Tata. in 1993 ( Tata Group 2012 ) . Today. the Tata group consists of more than 100 runing companies in seven concern sectors ( Refer to Appendix 1 ) with operations in more than 80 states across six continents. exporting merchandises and services to 85 states. The latest fiscal figures reflected on its web site showed that the entire gross of Tata Group was US $ 83. 3 billion ( around Rs 3. 796. 75 billion ) in 2010-11. an addition of 18. 8 % from 2009-10 ( Tata Group 2012 ) . With its devotedness to strong values and first-class concern moralss. the Tata name has been respected in India for more than 140 old ages. Each Tata company or endeavor operates independently and is answerable to its ain board of managers and stockholders. Traveling frontward. new engineerings and invention will be Tata Group’s focal point. in order to develop its concern in India and internationally. Anchored in India with its traditional values and strong moralss. Tata companies are constructing transnational concerns that will accomplish growing through excellence and invention. while equilibrating the involvements of stockholders. employees and civil society ( Tata Group 2012 ) . 2. Beginning Problems With its broad variegation of concern across six continents. Tata faces several challenges. The first job is to construct a consistent vision while being in many different markets and industries. Another challenge is to explicate schemes for over 100 companies in more than 80 states.Besides this. another job of Tata Group is the high engagement of Ratan Tata. who is the main steward of the group of nine senior executives sitting on the boards of the Tata companies. in both the dialogues of major trades and the inside informations of his auto-making. telecom or steel concerns ( Luthans and Doh 2009 ) . The following challenge for Tata is on how to absorb the fighting Corus Millss. Other challenges for the future include make up ones minding on which concerns to by-product and which to prosecute. what will go on to the pudding stone during an economic system slow-down. The most challenge issue for Tata Group possibly would be to make full the nothingness left behind by the energetic an d airy Mr Ratan Tata – Chairman of the Tata Group. when he retire ( Koontz and Weihrich 2010 ) . 3. Secondary Problems 3. 1 Long term3. 1. 1 Diversification of investings and concernsFrom the instance survey. it is apparent that a major job for Tata Group is its variegation of its investings and concerns over so many different states. The group is subjected necessarily to the different market state of affairss and the civilization of each single market. 3. 1. 2 The continuance of operation of Corus MillssAnother long-run job for Tata Group is whether they should go on runing the fighting Corus Millss. As mentioned in the article. the minute Tata Steel took over Corus. it is loaded with a $ 7. 4 billion debt and the high operational cost of Corus weakens the net income borders of Tata Steel ( Luthans and Doh 2009 ) . 3. 1. 3 Sustainability of its concern versus sustainability of its corporate societal duty during economic system slow-down Should there be an economic system slow-down. the ability of Tat Group to prolong its concerns versus their ability to prolong the societal responsible civilization. which is developed by Ratan’s ascendants ( Griffin and Moorhead 2010 ) . remains a challenge for Tata Group. The Rata pudding stone will hold to make up ones mind between prolonging its concerns and carry throughing this civilization. This will be particularly tough with a $ 7. 4 billion debt already on its books. 3. 1. 4 Management control in Tata GroupAs mentioned in the article. Mr Ratan is the main steward. of his squad of nine senior executives in the Group Corporate Office. who negotiates major trades himself and immerses himself in the inside informations of his concerns. Ratan Tata is besides the major determination shaper in most of Tata Group’s major trades. At the clip when the article was written. Tata Group has non found a suited replacement. The fact that Mr Ratan Tata is individual and childless ( Luthans and Doh 2009 ) therefore poses the toughest challenge of who is to make full the nothingness for Tata Group. when Mr Ratan retires. 4. Analysis 4. 1 Diversification of investings and concernsThis long term job will turn out to be an obstruction towards its planetary enlargement and the development of the company to its full potency. as there is no 1 common group scheme with a common aim. The deficiency of a common corporate scheme may move as a keeping force ( Singh 2012 ; mention to Appendix 2 ) against traveling Tata Group to its coveted place in the planetary market and besides against accomplishing overall productiveness of the organisation. 4. 2 The continuance of operation of Corus MillssA first expression at this job of the Tata Group would evidently be to stop the operation of Corus Millss. However. one of the strengths and competitory advantage that Tata Group has over its rivals. is backward integrating ( Hill and Jones 2011 ) like what Hill and Jones ( 2011. 180 ) described – steel companies providing its Fe ore demands from company-owned Fe ore mines. Having its ain abundant coal and Fe ore militias enables Tata Group to bring forth natural steel at low cost in India. and transport it to Corus’ first-class Millss overseas to bring forth steel merchandises. Furthermore. by looking at the fiscal information provided in the instance survey. Tata Motors was the least profitableness concern in 2007 for Tata Group. With the acquisition of Corus Millss and Tata’s competitory advantage of backward integrating. Tata Group can do usage of Tata Steel and Corus Millss to bring forth low cost steel auto parts in order to cut down the cost of gross revenues for Tata Motors. The gross net income borders for Tata Motors can be increased with the cost of gross revenues reduced ( Needles. Powers. and Crosson. 2010 ) . 4. 3 Sustainability of its concern versus sustainability of its corporate societal duty during economic system slow-down When there is an economic system slow-down. it will subject Tata Group’s determination on prolonging its concern or still keep its expensive corporate societal duty. to a great trial. A fast and immediate solution. during an economic system down-turn will be to cut down the parts for charitable causes. such as cut downing or ending the one-year $ 40 million part for charitable Acts of the Apostless in Jamshedpur. in order to prolong its concerns. However. Tata Group will hold to see about the long-run deductions of such drastic immediate decrease or expiration of charitable financess. The repute of Tata Group may have a whipping in the long tally. due to negative imperativeness and media coverages ( Davies et al. 2003 ) . should such steps are implemented drastically and instantly. in order to prolong its concerns. 4. 4 Management control in Tata GroupFrom the description of the article. the direction manner of Tata Group seemed to follow an ethnocentric strategic sensitivity and an organisational civilization of â€Å"family culture† . A cultural strategic sensitivity refers to the peculiar manner which most multi-national companies ( MNCs ) have towards making things ( Luthans and Doh 2009 ; Aswathappa 2010 ) . A MNC with an ethnocentric sensitivity will usually depend on the values. and involvements of the parent company in formulating and implementing a strategic program. Their primary accent is on profitableness and the company will seek to run its abroad operations in line with how they are run back at place ( Loke 2008 ; Aswathappa 2010 ) . Tata Group is likened to be run with an ethnocentric sensitivity as Mr Ratan Tata is the main dealmaker who is closely involved in all major trades dialogues and besides inside informations of his different concerns. This sensitivity will necessarily ensue in parochialism in Mr Tata. which may impact his logical strategic thought. Tata Group has adopted a â€Å"family† type of organisational civilization. â€Å"Family culture† type of organisations besides concentrating on hierarchy. orientation to individuals. leader heads the company like a lovingness parent. the direction besides takes good attention of employees. ensures employees are good treated and bask continued employment ( Trompenaars and Hampden-Turner 1998 ) . This is clearly reflected in their disbursement of $ 40 million yearly in the company’s place base of Jamshedpur and their first-class employee wage policy of workers still acquiring paid to the full till the age of 60 old ages old and womb-to-tomb wellness attention. even if they retire early. This will ensue in extra disbursals for Tata Group in order to carry through this â€Å"corporate societal responsibility† . Harmonizing to the article. Tata Group has non found a suited replacement at the clip when the article was written. The toughest challenge will be happening a suited campaigner of who is able to make full the nothingness for Tata Group. when Mr Ratan retires. 5. Standards of Evaluation 1. To place and distinguish between the â€Å"Cash cows† and â€Å"Stars† ( Phadtare 2011 ; mention to Appendix 3 ) concerns and the â€Å"Question Mark ( or Problem Child ) † and â€Å"Dog† concerns ( Phadtare 2011 ; mention to Appendix 3 ) within the following 6 months. 2. To cut down the $ 7. 4 billion debt of Corus within the following 5 old ages. 3. To cut down their one-year â€Å"charitable spending† bit by bit within the following 5 old ages. but yet non neglect or waive their corporate societal duty. 4. To place a replacement within the following two to three old ages. 6. Alternate schemes A comprehensive listing of all executable schemes will be presented for Tata Group before the recommended scheme ( Internet Explorers ) will discussed. 6. 1 Short term ( S ) :Targeted short-run aims to accomplish within the following few months to 1 twelvemonth from the clip of execution. S1To place and group the concerns into â€Å"Cash cows† . â€Å"Stars† . â€Å"Question Mark ( or Problem Child ) † or â€Å"Dog† concerns ( Phadtare 2011 ; mention to Appendix 3 ) within the following 6 months. S2To make up ones mind on which concern ( Es ) to maintain and concentrate on and which concern ( Es ) to neutralize. 6. 2 Long term ( L ) :Targeted long-run aims to accomplish within the following 3 – 5 old ages and beyond. L1To cut down the $ 7. 4 billion debt of Corus Millss within the following 5 old ages by possibly re-looking into refinancing the debt loan with a lower involvement rate. in order to strength their net income borders. This is to change over Corus Millss into a profitable concern unit which will enable Tata Group to go on edifice on its competitory advantage over its rivals. of incorporating backward integrating. with the coaction of Tata Steel and Corus Millss. for Tata Motors. L2To cut down their one-year â€Å"charitable spending† of S $ 40 million for Jamshedpur bit by bit – 5 % per twelvemonth in the first four twelvemonth and a concluding 10 % in the 5th twelvemonth. and besides to cut down the employees’ benefits bit by bit. This will enable Tata Group to prolong its concerns better. but yet non neglect or waive their corporate societal duty. L3To place a replacement within the following two to three old ages and besides to bit by bit alter their ethnocentric sensitivity manner of running the concern and besides their â€Å"family† type of organisational civilization. Strategy statement as per Hofer and Schendel’s features: Tata Group’s scheme for the following 3 – 5 old ages is to â€Å"tidy up† it’s widely diversified investings and concerns and work on its competitory advantage of backward integrating ( of having Fe ore mines ) in order to assist its car concern addition net income border. By bit by bit cut downing their one-year â€Å"charitable spending† . Tata Group will be able to impart these capital to prolong and spread out its concern globally. By placing a replacement for its president. this will guarantee the sustainability of the Tata concerns and besides to convey Tata Group to the following frontier. 7. Recommended scheme ( Internet Explorers )In order for this concern program for Tata Group to be successful. the schemes presented demands to be both accomplishable and sustainable with an accurate rating of its current resources. nucleus competences and capablenesss. With both short term and long term schemes listed supra and analyzed via the Strategy Feasibility Table listed in Appendix 4. the recommended schemes ( best 3 out of 5 ) are as follows: S1: To place and group the concerns. S2: To make up ones mind on which concern ( Es ) to maintain. which concern ( Es ) to neutralize.L2: To cut down their one-year â€Å"charitable spending† . 8. Justifications of recommendations After analysing the options schemes via the Strategy Feasibility Table ( Refer to Appendix 4 ) . it was decided that the most executable schemes are S1. S2 and L2 to decide the beginning and secondary jobs above. Schemes S1 and S2 are chosen to outdo decide the variegation of concerns that resulted in the absence of a common group scheme with a common aim for Tata Group. The following scheme for Tata Group to implement is the decrease of their one-year â€Å"charitable spending† . This will liberate up more capital for Tata Group to airt them to tout their â€Å"Stars† concerns. The staying two long-run schemes of L1 and L3. with a somewhat higher mark of 15 and 14 severally. in the feasibleness trial. may be considered to be implemented at the same time with lesser precedences. This is because it will non be easy for Tata Group to cut down the $ 7. 4 billion debt within a short period of clip and besides non easy for any company to beginning for. identify and name a replacement for its Chairman and to alter the civilization within a short period of clip excessively. The most critical issue now is for Tata Group to carry on the most effectual and efficient schemes. 9. Implementation. Control and Follow-up For any MNCs. e. g. Tata Group. it is non easy to implement concern consolidation like S1 and S2. S1 and S2 described supra will merely be the â€Å"identification† phase to find the type of concern each belongs to. The physical execution of the consolidation has to be executed with utmost cautiousness as consolidation may ensue in employees redundancy. After the consolidation exercising is successfully. the Group Corporate Office ( GCO ) of Tata Group will hold to guarantee that they do non establish monolithic concern variegation programs without careful considerations. The followup on the execution of S1 and S2 will hold to be monitor by the GCO closely with a clear timeline listed out as a usher to forestall any cunctation or holds. As for the execution of scheme L2. Tata Group has to put to death it with cautiousness excessively. It is non be implemented excessively hurriedly to forestall any harm to the company’s image due to any to negative imperativeness and media coverages ( Davies et al. 2003 ) . Any other hereafter â€Å"charitable spending† will hold to be discussed and decided more strictly. As stated above under Section 6. 2. L2. the decrease will be done bit by bit over a timeline of 5 old ages and the GCO of Tata Group will hold to adhere closely to this timeline. ( 2. 220 words excepting Executive Summary. headers. sub-headings. in-text commendations. and this sentence. ) 10. Mentions Aswathappa. K. 2010. International Business. 4th erectile dysfunction. New Delhi. India: Tata McGraw Hill. hypertext transfer protocol: //books. Google. com. sg/books? id=Dk4SWsWbbaMC A ; pg=PA332 A ; dq=Strategic+predisposition A ; hl=en A ; sa=X A ; ei=9nIlT5jIN5GzrAfIhryyCA A ; redir_esc=y # v=onepage A ; q=Strategic % 20predisposition A ; f=false. Change Management Coach. 2012. Change-Management-Coach. com: Force Field Analysis – Kurt Lewin. hypertext transfer protocol: //www. change-management-coach. com/force-field-analysis. hypertext markup language. Davies. Gary. Rosa Chun. Rui Vinhas district attorney Silva. and Stuart Roper. 2003. Corporate Repute and Competitiveness. 1st erectile dysfunction. New York. USA: Taylor A ; Francis Group. hypertext transfer protocol: //books. Google. com. sg/books? id=eU4bVJmmKC4C A ; printsec=frontcover A ; dq=reputation A ; hl=en A ; sa=X A ; ei=9j85T4aVCdGrrAeRsYHWBQ A ; ved=0CDoQ6AEwAQ # v=onepage A ; q=reputation A ; f=false. Griffin. Ricky W. . and Gregory Moorhead. 2010. Organizational Behavior: Managing Peoples and Organizations. 9th erectile dysfunction. Mason. OH. USA: South-Western Cengage Learning. hypertext transfer protocol: //books. Google. com. sg/books? id=RidV6vh08xMC A ; pg=PA349 A ; dq=Culture+of+Tata+Group A ; hl=en A ; sa=X A ; ei=Q8QjT_mKCcfPrQef-IiNAg A ; ved=0CGwQ6AEwCQ # v=onepage A ; q=Culture % 20of % 20Tata % 20Group A ; f=false. Hill. Charles W. L. . and Gareth R. Jones. 2011. Necessities of Strategic Management. 3rd erectile dysfunction. Mason. OH. USA: South-Western Cengage Learning. hypertext transfer protocol: //books. Google. com. sg/books? id=VdG243upAqwC A ; pg=PA180 A ; dq=backward+integration+in+strategic+management A ; hl=en A ; sa=X A ; ei=3NQ3T4PxEsHirAe2vfjVBQ A ; sqi=2 A ; ved=0CDMQ6AEwAA # v=onepage A ; q=backward % 20integration % 20in % 20strategic % 20management A ; f=false. Hofer. Charles W. . and Dan Schendel. 1982. Strategy Formulation: Analytic Concepts. 8th erectile dysfunction. Eagan. Minnesota. USA: West Pub. hypertext transfer protocol: //books. Google. com. sg/books? id=8VcIfAEACAAJ A ; dq=Strategy+Formulation: +Analytical+Concepts A ; hl=en A ; sa=X A ; ei=pasjT9_BCIjMrQf0x7GeCA A ; ved=0CD4Q6AEwAA. Johnson. Debra. and Colin Turner. 2010. International Business: Subjects and issues in the modern planetary economic system. 2nd erectile dysfunction. New York. USA: Taylor A ; Francis Group. hypertext transfer protocol: //books. Google. com. sg/books? id=Dhi7yUtQjegC A ; pg=PA140 A ; dq=Members+of+the+Tata+Group+Corporate+Centre A ; hl=en A ; sa=X A ; ei=JpE3T8-LMYXRrQfw7fHVBQ A ; ved=0CEoQ6AEwBA # v=onepage A ; q=Members % 20of % 20the % 20Tata % 20Group % 20Corporate % 20Centre A ; f=false. Koontz. Harold. and Heinz Weihrich. 2010. Necessities of Management: An International Perspective. 8th erectile dysfunction. New Delhi. India: Tata McGraw Hill. hypertext transfer protocol: //books. Google. com. sg/books? id=s_wzNWdevJoC A ; pg=PA118 A ; dq=Tata+group A ; hl=en A ; sa=X A ; ei=QwwlT6vTJsnjrAfosdymCA A ; ved=0CDcQ6AEwAQ # v=onepage A ; q=Tata % 20group A ; f=false. Loke. Chee Shong. 2008. International Management. 1st erectile dysfunction. USA: AberdeenUniversity Press Services. hypertext transfer protocol: //books. Google. com. sg/books? id=BpbvbvaMjCwC A ; pg=PA48 A ; dq=ethnocentric+strategic+predisposition A ; hl=en A ; sa=X A ; ei=hEg5T_uvA43yrQf6hPnVBQ A ; ved=0CFcQ6AEwBg # v=onepage A ; q=ethnocentric % 20strategic % 20predisposition A ; f=false. Luthans. F. . and Jonathan P. Doh. 2009. International Management: Culture. Strategy. and Behavior. 7th erectile dysfunction. New York. USA: McGraw-Hill. Luthans. F. . and Jonathon P. Doh. 2012. International Management: Culture. Strategy. and Behavior. 8th erectile dysfunction. New York. USA: McGraw-Hill. Acerate leafs. Belverd. Marian Powers. and Susan Crosson. 2010. Financial and Managerial Accounting. 9th erectile dysfunction. Mason. OH. USA: South-Western Cengage Learning. hypertext transfer protocol: //books. Google. com. sg/books? id=xI8pEZIob9UC A ; pg=PA225 A ; dq=reduce+cost+of+sales A ; hl=en A ; sa=X A ; ei=Dd43T-P7CpG0rAfo24zWBQ A ; ved=0CFUQ6AEwBQ # v=onepage A ; q=reduce % 20cost % 20of % 20sales A ; f=false. Phadtare. Milind T. 2011. Strategic Management: Concepts and Cases. 1st erectile dysfunction. New Delhi. India: PHI Learning Private Limited. hypertext transfer protocol: //books. Google. com. sg/books? id=FdtGb2cZTRgC A ; pg=PA145 A ; lpg=PA144 A ; dq=BCG+Model # v=onepage A ; q=BCG % 20Model A ; f=false. QuickMBA. 2010. QuickMBA: Strategy / BCG Matrix. hypertext transfer protocol: //www. quickmba. com/strategy/matrix/bcg/ . Singh. Kavita. 2012. Organizational Behavior. 1st erectile dysfunction. New Delhi. India: Pearson Education India. hypertext transfer protocol: //books. Google. com. sg/books? id=DbC0_McBPgIC A ; pg=PA337 A ; dq=force+field+analysis+kurt+lewin A ; hl=en A ; sa=X A ; ei=KEA7T-jvPIjsrAeRnJmHAQ A ; ved=0CFQQ6AEwBQ # v=onepage A ; q=force % 20field % 20analysis % 20kurt % 20lewin A ; f=false. Tata Group. 2012. Tata Group Worldwide. hypertext transfer protocol: //www. tata. com/ . The Economic Times. 2011. The Economic Times. Topics. Ratan Tata. Mumbai.India: Bennett. Coleman A ; Co. Ltd. hypertext transfer protocol: //economictimes. indiatimes. com/topic/Ratan-Tata. Trompenaars. Alfons. and Charles Hampden-Turner. 1998. Riding the Waves of Culture: Understanding Diverseness in Global Business. 2nd erectile dysfunction. New York. USA: McGraw-Hill. Appendix Appendix 1: The seven concern sectors of the Tata groupThe seven concern sectors of the Tata group:1 ) Communications and information engineering2 ) Technology3 ) Materials4 ) Servicess5 ) Energy6 ) Consumer merchandises7 ) Chemicals( Tata Group 2012 ) Appendix 2: Kurt Lewin’s Force Field Analysis Beginning: hypertext transfer protocol: //www. change-management-coach. com/force-field-analysis. hypertext markup language ( Change Management Coach 2012 ) Appendix 3: The Boston Consulting Group ( BCG ) Growth Share Matrix Beginning: hypertext transfer protocol: //www. quickmba. com/strategy/matrix/bcg/( QuickMBA 2010 )

Sunday, November 24, 2019

buy custom Pharmaceutical Law essay

buy custom Pharmaceutical Law essay Question 1 The current is looking for a cure or the closest thing that resembles a cure for a given disease. Although each of the drugs identified is promising, the weights are not equal. The drug patented in 1995 is the most promising one as it reduces death in subjects (mice) by the highest percentage (85%). It also reduces HgA1C by 2% which is almost the average reduction of the three drugs put together. One advantage is that it is more promising than the other hence presenting greater success rate chances. An additional advantage is that it will deduct the cost as efforts needed to progress are lesser than in the other drugs. The evident risk is that the drug patented in 1990 might be more effective the 1995 drug. This is because it has a significantly higher mortality rate reduction in mice and reduces HgA1C 1% better than the 1995 drug. The other risks are inherent to all other drugs. Its effect on mice may not resemble its effect on people. Question 2 One of the challenges is related to identifying the effect on treatment. Phase III suggests that the researchers identify the effect of the drug in both animals and people. It also reveals the length of the effects. Identifying these effects on people is one challenge as the researchers have to find voluneers who will take part in the trial process (Arcangelo Peterson, 2005). The other challenge is related to finances. This phase incurs the most cost. The pharmaceutical company needs many funds to carry out this stage successfully, which may not be at the companys disposal. The company can overcome the first company by compiling the relevant data that will challenge a patient to take part in the research. This will begin by progressing with the drug that is most promising. The other challenge can be overcome by targeting donors (Arcangelo Peterson, 2005). Donors will only be willing to put their donations in a drug that is promising. The relevant data in the previous stages should therefore be carefully gathered. Question 3 One of the strategies of increasing the commercial lifecycle of the drug is by making new formulations (Gupta, Kumar, Roy, Gaud, 2010). This will integrate having additional patents that cater for new formulations of the identified compound. The other strategy relates to making combinations. In such cases a company combines two or more drugs that are already a success in the market, thus marketing them as one product (Gupta et al., 2010). Question 4 One of the post-marketing obligations includes accurately reportting any issues identified in the market to the relevant authorities. Another obligation is related to recalling the drug from the market if it is identified as harmful to the patients (in a larger population). The company can make relevant modifications in relation to the issue identified, which is costly. They may also be forced to totally eliminate the drug from the market, which is more expensive (Friedman, Furberg, DeMets, 2010). Question 5 According to the New Drug Application of FDA, the company can be held on criminal charges if they withhold any relevant information regarding the drug. They would also be negligent if they release a faulty drug in the market or continue to sell a drug after realising its faults (Gupta et al., 2010). They can be sued by the affected persons. Question 6 The company can be faced by both criminal and civil cases. If it acts in negligence, it is liable and can be sued by the affected parties. If it hides relevant information to the relevant authorities, which would risk the lives of the patients using the drug, it would be criminally liable. The company can avoid the same by revealing all the information available and recalling the drug from the market after identifying certain faults (Friedman et al., 2010). Buy custom Pharmaceutical Law essay

Saturday, November 23, 2019

Cynics and Cynosures

Cynics and Cynosures Cynics and Cynosures Cynics and Cynosures By Maeve Maddox These two â€Å"doggy† words have quite different meanings. The word cynic comes from a Greek word meaning â€Å"dog-like, currish, churlish.† The word became a nickname for a school of Greek philosophers who disdained the luxuries and polite behavior of cultivated Greeks. Cynic is capitalized when it is used to refer to the philosophers. Pronunciation Note cynic [SIN-ik], cynical [Sin-uh-kl], cynicism [SIN-uh-sizm] cynosure Am. [SYNE-uh-SHOOR] Br. [SIN-uh-SHOOR] The most famous Cynicone might even say the cynosure of Cynics–was Diogenes. A most committed curmudgeon, Diogenes is remembered for having chosen to live in a tub instead of a house, and for telling Alexander the Great to move because he was blocking the sun. The word cynosure comes from a Greek word meaning â€Å"dog’s tail.† This was the name given by the Greeks to the northern constellation Ursa Minor, the â€Å"Small Bear† in whose tail is the Pole-star, also known as the North Star. Because the North Star is bright and a means of finding the direction of north, the word cynosure acquired the figurative meaning of â€Å"something that is bright and serves as a guide.† The philosophy of the Cynics had much to recommend it. Their goal was to live life according to Nature, a philosophy similar to that expressed by Thoreau in Walden. Thoreau, however, minded his manners and didn’t despise creature comforts. The Cynics embraced poverty, hardship, and toil. They criticized the emptiness and hypocrisy of social convention and organized religion; as a result they earned the reputation of people-haters and grumps. In modern usage, a cynic is a person disposed to find fault with everything and to rant about it to everyone. A cynic trusts no one’s sincerity or good intentions. The adjective is cynical; the noun is cynicism. Here are a few current applications of these words: Bill Maher is a playful microphone-toting cynic, roaming the landscapes of Christianity, with a few references to Judaism, Islam, and Scientology. Cynical politicians disingenuously mouth slogans of liberty and national security in order to manipulate the uncertain masses. The media framing of political news is implicated in activating, if not creating, cynicism about campaigns, policy, and governance. Social cynicism results from excessively high expectations concerning society, institutions and authorities: unfulfilled expectations lead to disillusionment, which releases feelings of disappointment and  betrayal. A few commenters on cynicism, it appears, are a bit limited in vocabulary: As I got older I found my cynical-ness had mostly gone away. Thats just pure speculation based on my cynicalness that companies always make deals better after Ive already gotten mine to make me feel bad. I think another technique that the author uses is Holden’s cynicalness and over all hypocriticalness. Cynicism is the noun; no â€Å"ness† needed. Hypocrisy is the noun for hypocritical. Unlike cynic, the word cynosure has positive connotations. A cynosure is someone or something that serves for guidance or direction, a â€Å"guiding star.† Not as common as cynic and its related forms, cynosure is nevertheless in current use: One critic wrote that admiration has grown such that Vemeer is now â€Å"displacing Raphael as Europe’s cynosure of artistic perfection. They have been the subject of many sighs and the cynosure of billions of eyes I am talking about the paintings that have defined the world of art. Da Vinci Robotics Exhibitions-conceptualised by  Leonardo da Vinci, Open vibe- the brain-computer interface show how brain activity, PR2 Robot, Eccerobot 2–an anthropomimetic robot acting as a human replica–were the cynosure of all eyes in 2011. Deepika Padukone, who was once a hot favourite with Yuvraj Singh and MS Dhoni, will be  the cynosure  of all eyes this cricket  season. If you decide to use cynosure, be sure to avoid the clichà © â€Å"cynosure of all eyes.† Want to improve your English in five minutes a day? Get a subscription and start receiving our writing tips and exercises daily! Keep learning! Browse the Vocabulary category, check our popular posts, or choose a related post below:100 Idioms About Numbers10 Colloquial Terms and Their MeaningsEnglish Grammar 101: Prepositions